Content Creation

Is your website easy to understand?

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One of the big mistakes businesses make with their content is loading it with business jargon. They think it sounds more professional but it actually works against them.

Your content should be easy to understand, you do not need to use business jargon to prove to your industry colleagues you are smart enough. You need to use words that your customers understand. Be authentic and connect with your customers using simple, easy to understand language so they can clearly see what you are about.

Novices feel the need to use business jargon so they can impress people and look like they have a whole lot of knowledge. Smart marketers use simple easy to understand language that connects with potential clients.

So, go check your website, newsletters and social media posts and see if you are acting like a novice or if you are doing your best to connect with your customers.

Have a great weekend. I hope you found this helpful.

Tony C

Personal Coach / Digital Marketing Specialist

Do you enjoy the content you write about?


In a digital world that demands content every week, in some cases everyday it becomes very easy just to ‘post’ whatever you can find on the day. However, while many people are focusing on ‘getting the job done’ those that take the time to create and/or source content they love win.

Great content is vital in a world where people are bombarded with content on a minute by minute basis through email, social media and now messaging.

To ensure you provide great content you need to 1) make a plan. 2) give yourself time to create content 3) find third party content that ‘fits’ your audience.

The 30% rule still applies today - that is you only need 30% of your content to be about your products/services. however, the other 70% needs to be valuable information that adds value to the people who have signed up to your newsletter, ‘liked’ your Facebook page or follow you on LinkedIn or Instagram.

Tip. To find great third-party content set Google Alerts on the key words that match your services, industry of geography. As you receive these feeds in your email inbox take time to consider “Do I enjoy this content”. If the answer is yes, you may use it to inspire you own writing on the subject or in some cases share this content with your audience (crediting the original source).

Over time you will look for people to collaborate with that may provide great content you enjoy. This maybe paid content (you buy) or as you grow content that helps the other party grow.

Hoping you found this helpful?

Happy Posting.

Tony C

Personal Coach / Digital Marketing Specialist

Is your marketing message clear and simple?

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

Photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash

As business owners we tend to want to tell the world all about our business. Every little detail. So, we create websites, advertising and marketing that explains everything we do, how we do it and maybe if they are lucky how what we do benefits our client.

Unfortunately, the result can often be a confusing mess that people have to wade through to find out whether you offer what they are looking for. The reality is many of them will not hang around for long.

So, what do we need to do instead?

Forget about confusing detail that often is too technical for people outside your industry to understand. Clarify a message directed solely at your customer. The art of great marketing is to simplify your message, so it cuts through the noise being made by your competitors.

Its about your customer not you.

If a client can see what you are offering and how it benefits them, followed by what they need to do to buy your product/s or service/s then you have a winning formula.

So, when you get a moment have a look at your website, go through your marketing material and ask the question “who is this message for?”

If you think you need some help feel free to call me on 021 911 722.

I sincerely hope you found this information helpful.

Kind regards

Tony C
Tony Cutting Digital
